Rules of our whole network
Whole network rules are given below:
- No cheating or use of hacks/mods that give unfair advantages. This includes x-ray mods, fly hacks, and other similar modifications.
- No griefing, raiding, or stealing from other players. Respect other players' creations and property.
- No hate speech, racism, sexism, or any other form of discrimination. Be respectful and inclusive to all players.
- No spamming or excessive use of caps in chat. Keep chat civil and on-topic.
- No exploiting glitches or bugs in the game. Report any issues to staff.
- No inappropriate builds or content. Keep builds appropriate for all ages.
- No PvP (player versus player) in non-PvP areas or without consent from all involved parties.
- No asking for personal information or sharing personal information of others.
- No impersonating staff or other players.
- No excessive swearing or use of vulgar language in chat or builds.
- No sharing of accounts or account information.
- No use of offensive skins or skins that could be considered inappropriate or offensive.
- No scamming or defrauding other players.
- No use of spam bots or automated programs in the game or on the server website.
- No advertising or promotion of other servers or websites without permission from staff.
- No sharing of inappropriate or explicit links or content in chat or builds.
- No griefing or destroying the environment, such as deforestation or building unsightly structures.
- No harassment or bullying of other players.
- No misuse of staff powers or authority.